On-Going Service Subcommittee

Monday, December 12, 2005

OGSS Service Project Selection

The following projects are being considered as the project of choice for the OGSS in the upcoming Winter term. Please respond by using the automated, radio button selection tool at the bottom of this post after reading through the information about the projects. This information will be compiled with paper surveys and other communications that have taken place with Marty.

Any comments posted using the comment tool will be sent directly to Marty.

The projects option are as follows:

1. One World: An 8 week program teaching students things like racial tolerance and social justice.

2. Smart Moves: A 10 Week program mentoring 12-14 year olds about things like peer pressure, sexuality, etc.

3. The Ultimate Journey: A 10 week Nature based program where students learn things like outdoor awareness. One of their activities involves taking a yardstick, measuring one square yard, digging the area, and describing what they find.

4. Helping to lead the Torch Club: The torch club, sponsored by Staples, gives 11-13 year olds the chance to coordinate and carry out their own fun activities (such as hosting a Christmas dinner) and community service projects.

All four of these events are open on Weekdays from 5 - 7 PM and on Saturdays from 12-4 PM.

There is also the fifth possibility of a tutoring project, where the volunteers can tutor students with whatever subject interests them the most (it doesn't even have to be a school subject, per see). If we did a tutoring project, we would meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays. The times we would meet can be negotiated (though I'm guessing they would be between 5 and 7 PM like the other four events).

[The Poll is now closed]


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